Vegas Line Volleyball

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Learn the rules of serving along with the most common fouls and service faults committed in competition.

In sitting volleyball, a 7 meter-long, 0.8 meter-wide net is set at 1.15 meters high for men and 1.05 meters high for women. The court is 10 x 6 meters with a 2-meter attack line. Volleyball Warm-Up No.6: Defense. This team drill requires at least ten balls and is a great way to warm-up the team's passing skills before a match. The coach needs a bunch of balls at his side, a line of players opposite him, and one 'setter' off to the right side between the coach and players. Instead of a three meter line, which we call our ten foot line in the US competitions, in sitting volleyball, they play with a two- meter attack line. In the men's sitting competition, the official volleyball net height is 1.15m while for the women it's 1.05 meters which is approximately three and a half feet.

The service line is the line a player cannot touch or step over while in the act of serving the ball over the net. (See the area in red in the diagram.) If the player touches the line while serving this is considered a fault, and the referee will blow their whistle and then award the opposing team the ball if such an action occurs. The Kentucky Wildcats (8-15) are at home in SEC action against the South Carolina Gamecocks (6-13) on Saturday, March 6, 2021 at 12:00 PM ET. The Wildcats are favored by 7.5 points in the game, the first matchup between the squads this season.

According to the volleyball serve rules each rally begins with the serve.

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This makes the serve the first opportunity for a player to score a point.

Volleyball Serve Rules About The Toss

No matter your serving style, the toss is a fundamental part ofthe serve involleyball.

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You can't serve a ball without tossing it up in some way, shape or form.

  • With that being the case, the volleyball serve rules state that when you serve, only one toss is allowed once the referee has blown their whistle.

Once a player tosses the ball up for their serve, if they catch the ball without completing their service action, that is a fault and the referee will blow their whistle and award the opposing team the ball.

The serve doesn't always go as planned.

Check out this compilation of funny volleyball serve moments during top women's matches.

See you aren't the only one who serves the ball in the back of your teammates head.

If you are a server and you realize you've given yourself a bad toss, according to volleyball serve rules you can let the tossed ball drop.

Once the ball drops, you can catch the ball.

After its been dropped, the referee will blow their whistle indicating that the complete service action will begin again and will give you, the server a second opportunity to serve within 5 seconds time .

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  • Not only does the server need to let the ball drop in order to reset their five seconds to serve again, but the ball needs to drop to the floorwithout touching any of the server's body parts on the waydown.

Many times a server will toss a ball up to serve it and then can't get out of the way fast enough before the tossed ball hits them on the way down.

If this happens, then the referee will blow their whistle and award the ball to the opposing team.

Don't you hate when that happens?

Volleyball Serve Rules:
Can A Player Serve From Anywhere on the Court?

  • The service action has to take place within the service zone ofeachteam's court.

The service zone is parallel to the endlines and centerlines of the court and is located behind the end line on each team's court.

  • The endline is also referred to as the 'service line' when the team ondefense is serving. The service line is the line a player cannot touch or step over while in the act of serving the ball over the net.

(See the area in red in the diagram.)

  • If the player touches the line while serving this is considered afault, and the referee will blow their whistle and then award the opposing team the ball if such an action occurs.
  • The server can serve the ball from anywhere behind the service line within that 29 foot 6 inch area marked as the service zone.

Volleyball Serve Rules
When Can A Player
Serve The Ball?

Once a player is ready to serve, they are standing in their team'sservicezone and they must wait for the referee to blow the whistle before beginning any service playing action.

The server has 8 seconds from when the referee blows the whistle to complete their service action, whether they choose to use an under hand serve, overhand serve or jump serve and to get the ball over the net and into the opposing court to start the rally.

They must start their pre-serve routine and contact the ball behind theirservice line within that red zone and cannot enter the court until after they've contacted the ball.

What team gets to serve first? And how are they chosen?

  • At a certain time before the start of a match, usually 10 - 15 minutes before the start, the head official called 'the head referee' will whistle for the team captains from each team to meet at the net. They will shake hands and introduce themselves. The official is responsible for setting the ground rules for the match. This will include explaining to both captains the playing areas of the court, overhead obstructions and court surroundings.

Once finished the referee will produce a coin and ask one of the team captains 'who wants to choose?' and then will ask 'what do they want 'heads' or 'tails'?.

The team captain who wins the toss will choose either 'side' or 'serve'.

Vegas Line Volleyball

If they pick 'serve' then they will be 'awarded' the opportunity to serve first during the first set of the match.

For the subsequent sets, teams will alternate who serves first. So if Team A won the coin toss and served first the first set, then Team B will automatically begin the second set with the serve.

  • If a server does not hear the whistle and serves the ball they will have to re-serve the ball. The service cannot start a rally without the referee first blowing their whistle to indicate the service can begin.

WATCH! Jorge Filho's video

'Top 13 Best Powerful Serves in Women's Volleyball'

Volleyball Serve Rules:
Where Do You Go From Here?

Where do you need to go now?

Your three options are:

  1. You can learn more about the Rules of Volleyball by visiting the related links below.
  2. Follow the suggested reading on our Sitemap pageLearning How To Play (Sitemap)
  3. Or visit the pages in the How to Play Volleyball section in the drop down menu at the top of the page to get started.

Learn more from these volleyball rules pages!

  • Volleyball Attacking Rules: What Is A Spike In Volleyball?

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  • Volleyball Rotation Rules What Happens After Your Team Wins A Point?

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  • Volleyball Violations For Passing What Is A Passing Foul Or Violation?

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Learn more about volleyball serving on these pages!

  • How To Serve In Volleyball Two Tips On How To Develop A Tough Serve

    To develop a tough serve you need to decide early where to serve and then attack the ball with your serve in order to improve how to serve in volleyball.

  • How To Serve A Volleyball A Step By Step Tutorial For Beginners

    With this step by step tutorial I teach beginner players how to serve a volleyball because having a tough overhand serve may increase your playing time.

  • 4 Types of Serves in Volleyball Overhand, Underhand, Topspin and Jump

    There are four types of serves in volleyball varsity players learn. Beginners learn the underhand serve first, then the overhand serve, then topspin and jump serve.

  • Consistent Tossing in Volleyball Is How To Improve Your Overhand Serve

    Tossing in volleyball for your overhand serve needs to be consistent in height and placement in order for you to improve your volleyball serve skills.

  • Volleyball Serve Use A Float, Jump Or Overhand Serve To Start A Rally

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