What Is Slow Rolling In Texas Holdem

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  • Texas Hold Em Poker Strategy

Our discussion of Texas Hold Em Deep Stack Poker Strategy explains the ways that you need to modify your play when you are playing Deep Stack Texas Hold Em.

Joined up last month have not had a lot of luck but what really annoys me is that when there is a problem with the site there is noone to communicate with-the texas hold em site and the bonus three card poker site are frozen and a sign comes up that there is a problem connecting but will correct itself momentarily-well three days later and my. Texas Hold Em is considered to be played with a deep stack when players have a stack that is around 200 times the big blind. Deep Stack Poker Tournaments give poker players more starting chips to begin the tournament with when compared to regular tournaments.

When stack sizes are very large, poker strategy can vary significantly from what is generally considered good strategy due to the nature of these oversized stacks. Good poker strategy is heavily dependent on stack sizes.

What is considered good strategy in one scenario may be considered terrible strategy in another, based exclusively on the stack sizes in play.

Texas Hold Em is considered to be played with a deep stack when players have a stack that is around 200 times the big blind. Deep Stack Poker Tournaments give poker players more starting chips to begin the tournament with when compared to regular tournaments.

Deep Stack Cash Games are generally rare online, but can occur when a few players at the table have made money and their stack size has grown above the 100x BB standard buy-in.

Our discussion of Deep Stack Poker Strategy will focus on the early stages of Deep Stack Poker Tournaments and Cash Games that have become deep.

Deep Stack Tournaments have become popular for two reasons. With a deeper starting stack, a player will get to see more hands and have more chips to play with. This scenario favours the skilled player as deeper stacks reduce the variance involved and the luck factor.

The other reason deep stacks are becoming popular in the tournament format is that they give a player more bang for their buck – with more starting chips, you get to play more poker for the same buy-in amount.

With a deep stack, the blinds are relatively small given your stack size, so time is on your side and there is no pressure to act brashly. This also means that since you have these extra chips, you can play a few more hands to try to pick up some small pots or to flop a monster hand and play a big pot.

Splashing around a bit won’t damage your starting stack if things don’t go your way early, so it is safe to do – once you do not become carried away and over-commit yourself in a bad situation. If you want to splash around, you also need to know when to bail!

While you do want to win chips, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you will have a lot of chips in your stack compared to the size of the pot, so you don’t want to over-commit yourself without a strong hand.

With deep stacks, implied odds begin to take precedence over pot odds. This is because the stacks are very deep compared to the pot, so the real money to be won is the money in your opponent’s stack and not the money that is already in the pot.

Texas Hold Em Deep Stack Poker Strategy favours small pocket pairs and suited connectors since both can flop the monster hands that you want to be holding when all the chips go into the middle.

Also, big face card hands that flop you one pair hands tend to go down in value with deep stacks as these hands will only win you small pots and lose you large ones if you go all the way with them. Big pocket pairs are still very valuable, especially pre flop, but post flop, when the heat is on, you may be forced to make a big laydown.

In addition, since implied odds are now very important, it may make sense to call a pot sized bet with a well disguised gutshot straight draw if you know that your opponent has a strong hand and that you can win all his chips if you hit your hand.

In reverse, other players will be going for long shot draws. You need to keep this in mind when what appears to be a blank card hits, but you opponent is now playing like he has the stone cold nuts.

As Deep Stack Poker Tournaments progress and the blinds become larger relative to your stack size, then you will need to adjust back to normal poker strategy as you will no longer be playing with a deep stack.

Texas Hold Em Deep Stack Poker Strategy can be very different from normal poker strategy and you need to adjust your game given these conditions. It is important to understand why deep stack poker plays differently and the reasons why.

Once you have an understanding as to the change in the game, then you are better able to think about the correct Deep Stack Poker Strategy.

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The world is warming, and there’s heated debate over what to do about it, or if it’s even warming at all. (Hint: It is.) Amidst this debate, some opponents of government regulations and environmental policy have taken up protest by retrofitting their diesel trucks to spew billowing clouds of black, noxious smoke. When the soot gets blasted, it’s called “rolling coal.” Some save the move for those special moments when they’re in front of a Prius, then post the video online.

The practice is illegal under federal legislation, but apparently not so hard to get away with in Texas. The state’s transportation code prohibits excessive smoke from a vehicle, but that code includes a handful of exceptions for diesel engines, saysTom Vinger, spokesman for the Texas Department of Public Safety.

“[Diesel engines] will smoke during acceleration, gear changes, some travel conditions, vehicle loading, and those exceptions are covered under the law,” Vinger said.

There are several ways to make your truck “roll coal,” ranging from removing factory-installed emissions regulators to reprograming the small computer that coordinates fuel injection.

But according to the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act, it is illegal “to manufacture, sell, or install a part for a motor vehicle that bypasses, defeats, or renders inoperative any emission control device.”

Reprogramming of emissions equipment is hard to detect in state inspections since Texas does not require emissions testing for diesel engines. There is a visual test that looks for a proper exhaust system. One mechanic told StateImpact Texas that an inspector would easily notice if required factory parts were removed from a truck.

On online diesel forums, some owners have reported that it can be easy to pass inspection with a truck customized to roll coal. One user on the Dodge diesel website CumminsForum.com claimed to have removed several emissions parts from his truck and said “I believe [my truck] is also supposed to pass a visual inspection [of emissions system] but as impressed with the sound of the truck as my inspector was, he let the visual slide.”

“Rolling coal” likely gets its namesake from the deep black color of the smoke from a diesel exhaust. According to Neil Carman Clean Air Program Director with the Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter, that’s troubling.

“When you see any kind of smoke, you’re going to find some level of carcinogens,” said Carman. “But the soot indicates that you’re also getting a high volume of unburned diesel fuel – unburned diesel vapor.”


What Is Slow Rolling In Texas Holdem Tournaments

Vaporized diesel in the air is “very bad,” said Carman, who also spent 12 years inspecting industrial plant emissions for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).

What Is Slow Rolling In Texas Holdem Game

Fuel that burns completely will be reduced to pure carbon dioxide and water vapor, but when it doesn’t it’s components can reunite in the air to form large toxic molecular rings called PAHs, the topic of a recent Austin study. Carman calls them a “super carcinogen.”