Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gambling

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LAN – Workgroup:

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Advantages and disadvantages of gambling

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Gambling

  • Low cost:Onlyneed2 computersconnectedtogetherviaanetworkcardcanbecome aWorkgroup.
  • Easyconfiguration: the network configurationfunctionalitybuiltinto the operating systemwindows
  • Easy to manage: Since this is aform ofpeermodel, there is no managementof anycomputer in thenetwork.
  • Speed​​: Themachineconnectedtogetherviathe internal networkshould bevery high speeds.
  • DistributedData: Data sharingin LANis storedlocally oneach computerin the networkso ifamachine isnotturned on, theother machinescan not navigatetotheshared fileson that machineis.
  • The safetyand securityis not high: The securityandsafetycanpeerthroughspecifyingthe password foracertainresource, such as asharedfolderon the network.Since allusers inthe peer networkset up your ownpersonalpassword system, andthe sharing ofresourcescan occuratany machinenothappeninyourfocus, it is difficult tocontrolfocus.Moreover,the appearance of thevirusspreads through thedangerous, ifamachinecan spreadinfectionthroughout thenetwork, which will greatly impacttosystem maintenance.
  • Nocorporate governanceand controlusersas well as managethe computers in thenetwork.
LAN-FileServer:Advantages and disadvantages of gambling

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gambling

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gambling

  • Centralizedmanagement: data isstoredcentrallyon theserver, thefoldersarealsotosharedaccountaccessmanagementserver.
  • Increasedsecurityanddatasecurityinintranet.
  • Data transferratehigher.
  • Investmentin HigherCostsduetoserversystems.
  • Morecomplexgovernance: needforadministratorstoMaintainandmanagenetworks.
  • Poorscalability: thenumberofaccountsandalargenumberof computerswillcauseDifficultiesinmanagement.
  • TheabilitytoPreventattacksfrom theinternetnolessbythefirewallsystemspecific.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Gambling

  • Lowbandwidth, easy toloseconnection,usuallyonly suitable foronlineapplicationssuch ase-mail, ftp,web ....
  • The scope of activitiesis not limited
  • DomultipleLANandMANconnectionswith each other sovery complex networkandtheglobal organizationto stand outand managementregulations
  • Costsfor equipmentand technologyis very expensiveWAN